Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's that time of year when those colds and flu's are knocking people down left and right. I just made some Breathe shower fizzies to help open my sinuses and invigorate me in the morning.  The essential oils in this blend are known for their abilities to combat airborne bacteria and viruses and for their ability to open and soothe the tissues of the respiratory system. It is one of my most used oils and I combine it with On Guard when I'm feeling under the weather. It is also a wonderful nighttime diffusion oil.

Body Systems Affected: Effective in alleviating and aiding various problems related to the Respiratory System.

Breathe  a respiratory blend
Blend Ingredients
Eucalyptus radiata
Laurel leaf
Melaleuca alternfolia
This Blend Addresses
Cold and flu
Respiratory stress

Application Techniques
Use at the onset of cold, flu, and congestion. Apply topically with thorough massage to the back, neck, shoulders, chest, and feet. Combine with hot compresses for best results. Use cup and inhale or diffuse when possible and carry a tissue cup on the go.
For young children or infants, use a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil, apply with massage to chest and back, and cover with clothing or socks after finishing.
This blend can be helpful in a bath using salts or a dispersing agent. During a steamy hot shower, plug the drain for a few minutes and use several drops with a wash cloth in the bath area.
Follow guidelines under “Asthma” for asthma conditions.

Friday, November 16, 2012


With those holidays upon us, here's the oil to have on hand before the overindulging begins. It's fabulous for belly aches, gas, bloating, pretty much any stomach issues really. I will apply topically to my belly and take internal--so a few drops under the tongue. Otherwise, you can always encapsulate (a few drops in empty gelatin capsule), or a few drops added to water.  For your little ones, apply 1-2 drops on the soles of the feet (can be mixed with olive oil or a carrier oil) or 1 drop in the belly button...again use caution and mix with a carrier oil, so it won't be too spicy for sensitive areas. 

Can be applied to animal paws for parasites. My pup gets essential oils in her water. Usually lemon, peppermint or a blend, and I use a smaller drop from a 5/8 dram bottle or a toothpick in the oil and then swirled in water. 

Properties:  Oils in this blend are known for their abilities in balancing the digestive system and in soothing many ailments associated with the digestive system. Anti-inflammatory, Anti-parasitic, antispasmodic.

Caution: not for those with epilepsy and use with caution during pregnancy.
Body System Affected: Balancing and strengthen to the digestive system
DigestZen  a digestive blend
Blend Ingredients
This Blend Addresses
Motion sickness
Stomach aches

Application Techniques
Typical ingredients used in these types of blends are certified GRAS by the FDA. Take 1-2 drops in 1/4 cup of warm water or juice for stomach issues or heartburn.
For infants and small children, apply topically to the stomach area with a carrier oil to protect their sensitive skin.
Combine 1 teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil with a drop each of a digestive blend and Lavender and apply the dilution for diaper rash.
Add 2-3 drops of digestive blend and 1 drop of Lemon in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and take internally every hour up to 8 hours while relief comes from gallbladder attacks.
One can apply similarly using guarding blends.


Saturday, November 3, 2012


Let's talk Geranium. This is my go to oil for bruising. My little Luna keeps giving me some playful puppy nips that hurt and bruise. I put Geranium on these nips and the bruising is minimal if any. Geranium also is great to add to a bath for calming and balancing. I like to blend it with Clary Sage, Bergamot, and Frankincense in salts for a bath.

Properties: Antibacterial, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, insect repellant, refreshing, relaxing, sedative, and tonic.

Body Systems Affected: Emotional Balance, and Skin.

Here is more info from our friends at Everything Essential.

GERANIUM  Pelagronium graveolens

Wellness Uses
Calm and Stress Relief
Disinfect Living Areas
Emergency Salve/Spray
Skin Care
Health Concerns
Cuts and Wounds
Gum/Mouth Problems
Hormone Support
Menstrual Problems
Skin Disorders
Sore Throat
Stomach Ache
Throat Infections  
About Geranium
The pelaruonium family includes a wide variety of 'Geraniums'.  Those that are commonly used for household plants are of a different variety than those from which essential oils are distilled.  Even for essential oils there are various plants, countries of origin and variations depending on the harvesting process.  It is considered a native plant of South Africa but is now grown in many regions of the world. Its fresh floral aroma it has just a hint of Rose and is used heavily in the perfume and cosmetic industry.  For this reason it is important to be assured of the purity and quality of essential oil that you are acquiring since there are lower quality products easily available. DōTerra Geranium is selected and tested for quality essential oil usage.  It is of the botanical family Geraniaceae, grown in the Reunion Island, and steam extracted from the leaf of this plant.
Typical Applications
The variety of Geranium's properties give it a wealth of beneficial uses. It has been used to soothe inflammation, irritated skin, bruises and even burns.  Some report it has a balancing effect on sebum production that makes it great for acne as well as both dry and oily skin problems.  Due to its analgesic characteristics it is often used as a topical agent for individuals suffering with arthritis or rheumatism. Geranium stimulates the immune system, aids in poor circulation, and is anti-mucolytic.
It has a pleasing aroma, is uplifting to the mood, and has a calming  effect on the nervous system that is pronounced.  It may be applied directly to the skin, diluted for an ointment or used with a diffuser.