Monday, January 28, 2013


Thyme has been a daily use oil lately since there are so many people getting sick, who are sick, or getting over being sick....I refuse to get sick!  As I feel something coming on, I've been resting and applying Thyme oil to my feet. Some applications have been every hour for a few hours, or just before bed. I am happy to report that despite all the bugs going around, I have been able to keep well. This I am happy to accredit to the FABULOUS antibacterial and antiviral properties of Thyme. It is an oil that  helps to energize in time of physical weakness and stress. And Thyme is also uplifting and  aids in relieving depression.
Thyme, ct thymol 
hymus vulgaris

Wellness Uses
Cold and Flu Season
Emergency Salve/Spray
Skin Care
Health Concerns
Cold and Flu
Cuts and Wounds
Skin Disorders
Sore Throat
Stomach Ache
Throat Infections
Yeast Infection
About Thyme
Thyme is naturally anti-fungal and antibacterial. Other antiseptic qualities make Thyme very useful as a disinfectant, especially useful as a suppressive for mold and fungus.  It has also been historically used as a remedy for toe fungus, often with Oregano essential oil.  Its antispasmodic qualities provide relief to some women suffering from menstrual cramps. Finally, it is a great cough and sore throat remedy. The dōTerra Essential Oil Thyme is of the botanical family Lamiaceae (Labiatae) and is grown in Germany with the oil being processed by steam distillation form the herb.
Typical Applications
Thyme is very effective against fungus and mold when diffused in the general area.  Thyme is certified as GRAS by the FDA and can be taken internally.  For sore throats, laryngitis, or congestive infections take with juice, agaves, or honey or it may be gargled or used in oil pulling.  It can be applied neat to areas of fungus, like toenails.  Thyme can also be used as a surface disinfectant.  
Precautions  Consult professional advice before use by those who are pregnant or nursing mothers.  Can be a strong skin irritant   Do not use without dilution.   

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I have yet to tell of any of the roll-on products...and this is month to do so. I love the IMMORTELLE! After a visit to the dermatologist and some freezing of spots on my face and a biopsy of another area, I needed something to help my raw skin heal. I used IMMORTELLE on the wound and those spots healed beautifully! I am so happy with the results! This blend is great for the skin and for promoting healthy cellular function while still being hydrating. 

Primary Uses: Aging, Chapped/Cracked Skin, Dry Skin, Revitalizing, and Wrinkles.
Immortelle  an anti-aging blend
Blend Ingredients

This Blend Address
Damage from sun
Maintain moisture
Nourish skin
Tissue renewal

Application Techniques
A proprietary blend of powerfully renewing, rare essential oils used throughout history for their beautifying benefits. Immortelle Anti-Aging Blend is formulated to protect and nourish skin while helping to reduce inflammation―a major contributor to the aging process. Supporting skin health at the cellular level, these essential oils sustain smoother, more radiant and youthful skin.
Growing older doesn’t mean growing less attractive. There are many ways to care for your health and skin, remaining vital and beautiful for a lifetime. By taking action now, skin can be nourished and protected through healthy choices and daily care. Keeping your skin healthy and hydrated is not only good for your looks, but also essential to maintaining good health. Drinking lots of water, taking a vitamin and mineral supplement, and using efficacious skin care products that nourish the skin can help keep skin soft, healthy and radiant.
Apply sparingly to face, neck and problem areas, after cleansing, prior to serum and/or moisturizer. Pay special attention to age spots, fine lines and wrinkles. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil or other pure vegetable oil to calm any skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with the eyes.