Friday, October 26, 2012


Going forward I will be doing a weekly update of specific essential oils. This will include little tidbits about the oils I use and some general historically know facts.  Over the years, I have found many resources for essential oils.  My favorite books include those by Jeanne Rose, Valerie Ann Wormwood and the Modern Essentials: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils. I want to thank for compiling some of the information I'll be posting. This website is a great resource!

Let's begin with Rosemary....

Rosemary is one of my most used oils. I love the strong, herbaceous scent with woody balsamic and evergreen undertones. If I have chest congestion that lingers or any lung issues, I will place a few drops of the doTERRA Rosemary oil on my palm and apply it directly to my chest. It has worked wonders for me for lingering chest congestion. Recently, I suggested this to my sister and she too experienced the relief of Rosemary oil as it helped cleared her lung congestion.

Properties: Analgesic, antibacterial, anticancer, anti fungal, anti infectious, anti-inflammatory,
     antioxidant, and expectorant. 

Body Systems Affected: Immune, Respiratory, and Nervous Systems

ROSEMARY  Rosmarinus officinalis

Wellness Uses
Calm and Stress Relief
Cold and Flu Season
Skin Care
Health Concerns
Arthritic Pain
Colds and Flu
Menstrual Problems
Muscle Pain
Skin Disorders
Stomach Ache
About Rosemary
Rosemary has traditionally been used for stimulating the mind, enhancing mental clarity, treating skin disorders, relieving stiffness of joints, and stimulating healthy hair growth.  Many find its warming qualities beneficial for arthritic pain and rheumatism.  Some have found it effective in treating colds and flu.  DōTerra Rosemary Essential Oil if from the botanical family Lamiaceae (Labiatae) grown in Morocco and steam distilled from the leaf of the plant.
Typical Applications
Use compresses and baths when trying to sooth stiff joints, arthritis, or rheumatism.  Use diffusion or other methods of inhalation when treating colds, flu, and as a mind stimulant.  Rosemary is certified as GRAS by the FDA and can be taken internally.  Rosemary has had positive effects being applied neat or with a carrier to the scalp, face, or neck for skin or hair/scalp disorders.  
Precautions Consult professional advice before use by those who are pregnant or nursing mothers.

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